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Organic Basil & Garlic Scape Pesto is a summertime staple around here. It’s so good, why not make a big batch and freeze some for the winter!

Basil & Garlic Scape Pesto
Recipe type: Sauce
Cuisine: American

Driftless Organics ingredients make the best pesto!

Makes a fantastic dip with sour cream or spread with cream cheese. Delicious tossed with pasta. Or jazz up a basic vinaigrette dressing with a couple of spoonfuls. This recipe was created by Dani Lind of Rooted Spoon Culinary

  • 1 c. scapes, cut into 1” pieces (6-8 scapes)
  • ¼ pound basil, coarsely chopped (leaves & stems)
  • ½ c. raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds, toasted & cooled
  • ⅓ c. Driftless sunflower or olive oil
  • ½ tsp. salt

  1. Combine all in food processor & pulse until smooth.
  2. Use within a week in the fridge or freeze.


Check out other great recipes from Driftless Organics.

Driftless Organics CSA farm delivers CSA boxes full of wholesome, fresh & organic produce to the Twin Cities, Madison and locally to Viroqua, LaCrosse & Prairie du Chein. Click HERE for more information.